By faith I see the turbid sea
A mass of liquid without form
And to this mass there speaks a voice
Which trebled o’re it with the plea
Go fashion earth amidst the storm
And make an earth of Gods own choice.

Go forth ye waters I command
I needs would fashion something more:
So spake the Father from above
And at his word appears the land.
This happened in the days of yore
And it was founded there in love.

And on the earth he made to grow
All her and grass and shrub and tree,
And he made light and man and beast.
And thus that all his goodness know
He left out nothing that we see
From mountain high or to the least.

A perfect Paradise sublime-
And then when perfect, it was done
All peace and harmony was there;
And God created sun and time
And formed the circuits it might run,
That all his rest and pleasure share.

By faith I see that happy place.
What we have now is but a drop;
Only the leavings from the meal.
We still see beauty by Gods grace
But that is scraps or filthy slop
Compared to what He did reveal.

By faith I see it though above,
For in his word he tells me so
And I like others may secure
This wonder land where all is love
Where I will be as white as snow
And where that beauty shall endure.
By Faith
H E Crane